Thursday, August 03, 2006

Web development

One Junyong Pan

...has extended and integrated into Plone Alessandro Fulciniti's 'nifty corners', and no-one cares. I've googled him and almost nothing comes up.

This is a fantastic resource for me, as it allows me to build a little more of a bridge (read compromise)...

I don't claim to have any vivid memories of the Golden Age; it's something I was rampant in during a past life. However these days convention dominates everything, and W3C aren't as saintly as they once were. For the first time ever, I'm in a situation where I have to set up the immense gaudy buttreses of a dozen constructs of convention before I can even think about generating any content. I was far from a markup monster beforehand, but now I feel I'm more of one through superfluous correctness.

The point is, somebody has made a visual treat work well within the walls of mother Plone, so that appeals to... Well, Plone and her adoptive children. BUT rounded corners in the first place... Disrupt the convention of bloody rectangles everywhere. People feel safer in rectangles for many valid aesthetic and psychological reasons, but mostly, I feel, from loving the eternal constrictions of their medium. By playing to more recent and vibrant Gods, you can give the Old Ones apostasy.

So everyone give Pan some credit, he's done me a fantastic favour.

Bear in mind

...the modern world of conventions and display aren't all they could be. Wherefore aren't thee tables? I work with someone who thought the very notion of using tables for anything other than spreadsheet-type display (basically, tabular information) was completely ridiculous. To me, it is ridiculous that we commit ourselves to divs and CSS generally for so much that could be infinitely easier, freer, and generally better with tables. The reason we can't use tables is because of accessibility reasons; screen readers for the visually impaired read everything in a linear manner as they read through the code, so tables get read column by column, which is counter-intuitive in everything apart from traditional type-set Japanese (which we don't have on the internet anyway).

If only you could turn the screen reader off... Insert your table tags, then start it again... We'd be laughing. Tables would no longer be 'invalid'.

If only.


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